Monday, May 28, 2012

Fruit of My Spirit

Fruit of My Spirit, Reframing Life in God’s Grace is written by Deanna Nowadnick.

This is a very personal book about the life of the author. She is extremely open in telling her story. You will relate to some of it and will have compassion for her during other parts. I liked how she describes her rebellion towards her family. I felt it was very genuine and realistic. Her stories about not enjoying camping made me laugh. I thought the placement of the pictures really made the book personal. The best part was at the end of each chapter there was a hymn written out. It was great to read those beloved songs. Overall reading the book was like sitting and having a long conversation with the author about her life. I gave the book 4/5 stars for a couple reasons. One, the type was very small and it made the reading of the book difficult at times. Second, I felt it could have been edited better, I had to reread some of the paragraphs because I did not understand what she was trying to get across the first time I read it. All of that said it is a personal story of a life that shows the redemption of Christ.

I would like to thank the author for the copy of this book I enjoyed reading. I gave an honest review based on my opinion of what I read.

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