Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Lord has a purpose for each person!

Kingdom Man, written by Dr. Tony Evans, is filled with helpful information for any man wanting to be a spiritual leader at home, at church, or even at his workplace.

The Lord has a purpose for each person. Men can be equipped to be leaders by following the Lord’s guidelines found in the Bible. The Lord wants men to be leaders who are wise and compassionate. They also have to model what they are asking of others. Meaning if you think your wife should be spending more time helping the children with schoolwork, you need to help out more too.

I liked his analogy of a football game. You will have to read the book to see how he compares Christian leaders to the officials in the game. Although the primary audience is men, any woman can read this book. Women will find what makes a good leader and what they should be praying for when looking for a man in their life. If a woman is already married she can still learn from this book, especially the principles taught about the marriage relationship. Understanding what the Lord wants for a marriage will help both the husband and the wife keep their marriage strong.

Scripture supported all the principles discussed in the book and all the principles are easy to follow and explained well. The author is excellent at simplifying the Lord’s guidelines for Christian men. This book is written in a straightforward manner and is well organized. I highly recommend this book for every Christian man to read!

I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of this book I enjoyed reading. I gave an honest review based on my opinion of what I read.

I gave this book 5/5 stars.

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